As you age, it’s important to have comprehensive healthcare coverage that meets your specific needs. When it comes to Medicare, there are several options available, including traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage. While traditional Medicare is a great option for many individuals, others may need additional coverage. That’s where Medicare Advantage comes in. This post will explore five benefits of a Medicare Advantage plan for those who need additional coverage.

Additional Coverage

Perhaps the most significant advantage of a Medicare Advantage plan is the additional coverage you’ll receive. While traditional Medicare only covers hospitalization and physician services, Medicare Advantage plans can include additional benefits such as prescription drug coverage, vision care, hearing aids, and even fitness memberships.


Another benefit of Medicare Advantage plans is their cost-effectiveness. If you require additional coverage beyond what traditional Medicare provides, choosing a Medicare Advantage plan can often be more cost-effective than purchasing individual policies. In many cases, Medicare Advantage plans have lower monthly premiums, though it’s important to weigh these costs against any additional out-of-pocket expenses.

Coordinated Care

If you have a chronic health condition or multiple health concerns, coordinating your care can be a challenge. By enrolling in a Medicare Advantage plan, you gain the advantage of accessing coordinated healthcare services from a network of trusted providers. This means your primary care physician, specialists, and other healthcare providers work together to manage your healthcare needs and create a comprehensive treatment plan.

Health Maintenance

Many Medicare Advantage plans include additional health maintenance benefits like disease management programs, wellness coaching, and health screenings. These services help you stay healthy and catch any health concerns early on, which can help you avoid costly hospitalizations and treatments later.


Medicare Advantage plans offer more flexibility than traditional Medicare. Most plans provide out-of-pocket limits and predetermined copays or coinsurance, which can be helpful for managing healthcare costs. Moreover, should you require the expertise of a specialist or treatment at a healthcare facility beyond your network, you may benefit from greater flexibility compared to traditional Medicare.

If you need additional coverage beyond what traditional Medicare provides, a Medicare Advantage plan may offer many benefits. From additional coverage and cost-effectiveness to coordinated care, health maintenance, and flexibility, a Medicare Advantage plan can help you keep up with your healthcare needs as you get older. Be sure to weigh all the costs and benefits before choosing a plan that meets your specific needs. If you have any questions, it’s always best to speak with a Medicare expert who can help you make an informed decision.

Contact a local provider to learn more, like Mass Advantage.
